Monday, February 21, 2011

25 things I've learned this year...

My sweet sister reminded me the other day that it had been a while since my last blog, so I decided to sit down before bed tonight and share some thoughts. I always have random thoughts bouncing around in my just takes some discipline to record them.

Lately, I've been making a mental list of the things I've learned in the last year. Some are big, some are small...but all of these things are helping me (in some way) to become a better version of myself.

1. When I have a full schedule, I'm more productive.
2. I spend more time dreading a project than it takes to actually complete a project. (I think I'm finally getting a handle on this one. I just force myself to sit and write a paper before I let myself worry about it. It's much easier this way.)
3. I can function on as little as 4 hours of sleep. Getting more than 7 hours makes me sleepier somehow.
4. Contrary to what I've thought my whole life, I actually like running.
5. I have the best family in the world. If you're not in my family, you should be jealous. :-) JK.
6. Men who LEAD are a rare gift from God.
7. Sisters (including in-laws) are the best secret keepers.
8. Friends that will help you with laundy or hold your hair back when you're sick are the best kind. These are the friendships that never change with distance or time.
9. Age really IS just a number.
10. Apparently, I can pass for 22. Sweet!
11. Forgiveness isn't for the benefit of the forgivEE but the forgivER.
12. Churches that want to be social clubs are common. Churches that want to SERVE are few and far between.
13. The more I learn, the more I realize how much I DON'T KNOW.
14. Writing is therapeutic for me.
15. God puts certain people in our lives at certain times for a certain purpose. I believe this with all my heart.
16. I don't have to see eye-to-eye with you to be your friend. Variety is the spice of life.
17. I don't always think before I speak. (Workin' on this one.)
18. I love learning.
19. I hate being tested on my knowledge.
20. Music inspires me more than anything else in this world.
21. My mom is the most unselfish person I know.
22. Brothers are great to hang out with when you need a laugh.
23. Photography is a passion for me. Being too busy to get behind the camera much has made me realize this.
24. I'm attracted to people who make me laugh.
25. I like who I am--with all my baggage and mess. It's only THROUGH HIM and because of HIS grace that I am what I am.

Well, it's just a start. I'm still a mess. I'm still learning and growing. I can't wait to see what God teaches me in the next 12 months!

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